The 2022 Green Edition Diamine Inkvent Giveaway Winner

Firstly, I’m floored — absolutely awestruck — by the warmth of everyone’s joyful stationery comments. Thanks for joining in, for supporting one another, and for reading along here on the site.

I’m a firm believer that pens, ink and paper are joyful. For work, for play and for everyday.

I worked with a local vendor (who asked to remain anonymous) to secure one of this year’s Diamine Inkvent Calendars to giveaway here on the blog. A token of my sincere gratitude for the support and eagerness you all show me as I undertake my stationery journey. Gratitude for thankfulness’ sake.

The randomly drawn winner of this year’s Inkvent giveaway is: Courtney!

Congrats to Courtney! I just received news from USPS that Courtney’s Inkvent was delivered today. Just in time for December ink shenanigans.


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